December 5, 2016

Congratulations to Dr. Sima Jonusaite for her PhD degree. Sima’s thesis will be conferred with high distinction and she will be nominated for the dissertation prize at York. Sima is now set to join the laboratory of Dr. Aylin Rodan at the University of Utah for a Postdoctoral position.

October 3, 2016

The lab just returned from a successful and inspiring International Congress of Entomology 2016, Orlando, Florida. Peter Agre gave a sensational, humble and inspiring talk! Andrea presented her PhD work on Rh50 proteins in mosquitoes, Sima presented her septate junction work, Gil and Lidiya presented their undergraduate research and Andrew presented some preliminary work on effects of high environmental ammonia on larval mosquitoes.

September 13, 2016

Congratulations to Gil Yerushalmi for his first publication: “Chronic dietary salt stress mitigates hyperkalemia and facilitates chill coma recovery in Drosophila melanogaster” in the Journal of Insect Physiology. This was Gil’s undergraduate thesis research. Congratulations to Hina Akhter for publication of her aquaporin MSc research in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A and to Lidiya Misyura who co-authored both of these papers.. two papers in a day from her work as an undergraduate!

June 16, 2016

Thanks to Gil, Lidiya, Andrea, Sima and Heath for excellent presentations of their research at the annual Insect Biotech Conference. Congratulations to Sima Jonusaite for being awarded 2nd prize for best Long talks at the conference.

May 30, 2016

Congratulations to Melika Zadeh Tahmasebi for publication of her undergraduate honours thesis, and to Phuong Bui for a second publication from our lab. Their work has shed light on how larval chironomid Malpighian tubule function is affected by salinity and will appear in Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology.

July 1, 2015

Sima Jonusaite and Andrew presented in the symposium titled “Osmoregulation: From magnesium to mosquitoes: A tribute to Klaus W. Beyenbach” organized by Peter Piermarini and Edward Blumenthal at the Society for Experimental Biology annual meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.

October 15, 2014

Just returned from the APS Intersociety Meeting in San Diego. Thanks Marjorie for giving us the tour of USD, looking forward to continuing to work with you. It was great to meet Peter, Ed and Patricia and to speak with Julian.

September 6, 2012

Welcome Hina to the lab. As a Masters Candidate, Hina will examine changes in ion and water transporter expression levels in larval mosquitoes. Also today, Adrian embarks on his Masters where he will look at ammonia transporters in larval mosquitoes.