May 20, 2017

Congratulations to Heath MacMillan for being awarded the President’s Prize and Andrea Durant for being awarded the Holeton award at this years annual Canadian Society of Zoologists meeting in Winnipeg.

Congratulations to Gil Yerushalmi for being awarded an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship and being offered an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.

May 5, 2017

The lab recently returned from the Experimental Biology 2017 meeting in Chicago, Illinois where Andrea Durant was awarded 2nd place prize in the Scholander competition for her work on ammonia excretion in larval mosquitoes; Gil Yerushalmi competed in the Scholander competition for his work on cold tolerance physiology in fruit flies; and Lidiya Misyura was selected to deliver an oral presentation in the “Trainee driven research” special symposium.

Scholander 2017 Awardees